06 April, 2007

My Love Has Come to Me!

My heart is like a singing bird
whose nest is in a water'd shoot…
My heart is like an apple tree
whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit…
My heart is like a rainbow shell
that paddles in a halcyon sea…
My heart is gladder than all these,
because my love has come to me!

Raise me a dais of silk and down:
Hang it with fair and purple dyes!
Carve it in doves and pomegranates
and peacocks with a hundred eyes!
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
in leaves and silver fleurs-de-lis,
because the birthday of my life
has come, my love has come to me!

by: Christina Rossetti


Atousa said...

Nice poem, I liked it, keep it up, and have fun with your uncle.

Parisa Mehran said...

Dear Soniya,

At last, I corrected the mysterious and interesting name of your nice blog!!! Any way,sorry for my mistakes! I will come back soon.

Parisa Mehran